Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

Stichting Twijs
Garenkokerskade 19
2013 AJ Haarlem

1. Introduction
TWijs processes a significant amount of data concerning its students, parents and/or guardians, employees, and suppliers. We consider it important to handle this data with utmost care. This statement explains the types of data we process, the reasons for processing it, and the methods used.

2. What does "processing personal data" mean?
Personal data refers to information about an individual, such as a name, address, or phone number. Processing encompasses all actions taken with this information, including storing, forwarding, using, or deleting it.

3. Whose personal data do we process?
We process personal data of students and their parents and/or guardians. Additionally, we process data related to our employees and suppliers.

4. Why do we process data?
We only process data when necessary. This is the case in the following instances:

For students and their parents/guardians:
a) To organize and deliver education and support students
b) To provide and make available (digital) learning resources
c) For student administration
d) To request support resources and services
e) To assess student eligibility for special basic or secondary education
f) To calculate, record, or collect funds
g) To account to the education inspectorate or DUO
h) To adequately respond to health issues

For employees
To execute employment contracts.

For suppliers
To fulfill contractual obligations.

5. Legal Basis
To process data, there must be a legal basis as defined by laws and regulations, such as the GDPR. The bases for TWijs' data processing include:
- Compliance with legal obligations, such as the Primary Education Act (WPO), Financing Decision WPO, Decision on Exchange of Learning and Guidance Data, Regulation on Learning Outcomes PO 2014, Regulation on Structural Data Provision WPO/WEC, Assessment Decision WPO
- To execute (education, employment, or commercial) contracts
- When necessary for a task of public interest, with recipients including municipal and national government bodies
- With given consent
- To protect vital interests
- Due to a public law task

6. What personal data does TWijs process?
a) First name, last name, initials, gender, date of birth, address details, phone numbers, email address
b) Personal identification number (BSN)
c) Nationality
d) Data as mentioned in (a) for the student's legal representative, guardian, or contact person
e) Health or welfare information of the student when necessary for the school, education, or support
f) Information about the nature and progress of education and support, and academic results
g) School data, such as school name, care coordinator/mentor/internal supervisor, the class or group the student is in, enrollment date, name of the application submitter to the collaboration network, educational career, and reports from primary and secondary education
h) The reason for any referral to the collaboration network, relevant screening and research data, and description of issues
i) Activities undertaken by the school concerning the student and the results thereof
j) Existing or relevant closed support contacts and the names of contact persons
k) Relevant personal data provided by external parties
l) Financial information, such as parental contributions, lunch fees, and similar items
m) Media content (when consent has been provided)

7. With whom do we share personal data?
We only share data with others when necessary, ensuring it is done securely and with clear agreements on data use. Personal data is shared with:
- the national government, municipalities, and independent administrative bodies (such as DUO)
- Providers of digital learning resources
- Care providers

8. How long do we retain data?
We retain data only as long as necessary. In some cases, legal requirements mandate data retention for a minimum period, such as:
- Student files: 2 years after the student leaves school
- Information on absences and enrollment: 3 years after the student leaves school
- Data on students referred to special education: 3 years after the student leaves school
- Data on school advice and achievement: 3 years after leaving grade eight

9. What are my rights?
a) access
b) rectification
c) erasure
d) restriction of processing
e) objection to further processing
f) data portability
g) withdrawal of consent

Requests can be submitted to TWijs' data protection officer: Mr. S. Dalhuisen (

10. Where can I go with a question or complaint?
For questions specific to a TWijs school, please contact the school directly. For complaints about TWijs, you may use TWijs' Complaints Procedure, detailed in the school guide.

For privacy-related questions or complaints, contact TWijs' data protection officer at

If you remain unsatisfied, you may contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, 2594 AV The Hague).